
On November 2, 2007 my mother passed away. The time leading up to her death and the aftermath has given me many moments of reflection and some of these thoughts have found their way into some new songs. I hope that you are able to hear them soon. I had been able to visit with my Mom several times over the last 6 months and saw her five days before her passing and am very thankful for that. We had a good visit and as I often did when visiting Mom, we worked the crossword from the newspaper together on that last Saturday morning. I will always remember her fondness for history and particulary, family history. Family is so vital to our well-being. I hope that I will never take my family for granted. Our youngest son is coming home for Christmas, and we're looking forward to all five of us spending time together. We are also planning another trip to Georgia to visit my Dad and brothers. Debbie took some really beautiful pictures in front of Mom and Dad's house back in October and she did a painting of one of them. She hopes to have it added to her website soon, so look for the "Georgia Sky". It has become one of my favorite paintings. We're also working on an instrumental under the same title.

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