
I wrote several songs in October and November 2006 and then recorded them along with three other songs from earlier in the year on a live CD. Shortly after we did the live recording in early December I wrote another song called "Chasm" and then "Song for Barbara". Barbara was the first student to ever sign my desk at school, which has now become a tradition. Students who have been in my class sign the desk the last week of their senior year and it was her creativity that started this tradition. Barbara is currently fighting cancer and I have been thinking about her often so I wrote the song about her signing of the desk, the letters she used to send when her family first moved to Colorado and a picture that Debbie took of her while she and her family were here visiting. (Our own children grew up with Barbara and her siblings) We put Chasm and Song for Barbara (two versions) on another CD and recorded three CDs in 2006.

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